Curator Kim, Jae Won
REAL DRAMA-self censorship
The intentional finding of "dolls" and "wonderwoMom" at the hyper-realistic paintings by two artists are not just the tools for simple development of the story. It is the actors or actresses that have been cast by the directors (artists) in order to conduct the most correct inspection over the hidden various internal egos of humans facing the reality. Two artists positively visualize the self censorship by emphasizing the various kinds of humans and their humorous personalities with the hyper-realistic expression of challenge toward real world.
Do Byung-Kyu's pre-censorship
The appearance of the dolls is the pre censorship over the hidden desire of humans that are accustomed to the play. The artists try to express the unconscious desire by realizing it with conscious desire using various plays in childhood so that the mind of play method is searched through dolls. The human's unconscious dimension is recognized through the habit called memory. At that time, the artists decipher the plays in childhood and keep direct touch with the psychological causes in order to interpret and prove the scope of unconsciousness and visualize the pre-censorship. In other words, the artists try to prove the human's intrinsic desire using the childhood play pattern memorized in the man's mind and make the pre-censorship dramas in which the objective human research is made using the childhood plays. As far as the intrinsic man's desire is proved by the childhood play pattern, the artists do not remove any situation which can be problematic for defensive censorship but try to narrow the gap between the time when the sensitive play began and when it is talked about in reality, thus making the search of true human desire feasible. The artists try to figuratively induce the identify of human desire by making the dolls (representing both the self in childhood and other person ), frog (representing both the object for playing and the structure of a society), phlegmatic person (representing womb, or protective film from external factors) and various behaviors (representing both the abusive action without guilty mind and the comforting mind) standing on the boundary between the individual's psychological structure and current psychological structure where the artist are in. In other words, you can see the man's internal mind and internal hidden desire through the hyper-realistic painting in which the prettiness of dolls and flowing fluid are combined.
Jeon Woong's post-censorship
By making the wonderwoMom(wonderwoman+mom) appear at the hyper realistic landscape, the artist makes one of the minor daily event into dramatic and interesting story. The artists make everything dominated by their own method of rules and make the stories in a sequential conflicting process. The artist, Jeon Woong expresses the hyper-realistic landscape by challenging the real world and enabling the spatial interpretation and storytelling using the pre-censorship of the landscape's situation setting. It is not a conclusion of the simple setting of landscape but the theme for wonderwoMom absorbed in the story or the moment of landscape of both the artist's intentional landscape situation and the situation in which the wonderwoMom appears. In other words, the artists interpret the sequential dominant story and the interpretation of the landscape is realized as the action space for wonderwoMom. The realization becomes pretty and humorous by typical scope of action by middle aged woman who shows the personality of wonder woman plus mother and the daily life filled with laziness which only Korean middle aged woman can enjoy. It means that the post censorship over the situation setting of landscape becomes a daily life without any sense of rejection with the appearance of a character of wonderwoMom and the story becomes a daily life which everyone understands. The landscape of interpretation of the world and the character of wonderwoMom which the artist sees will be watched by the reader as the method of expression and direction to make people have a new eye to watch things through new vision.